
Showing posts from July, 2023

Chapter 4 – Meterpreter Shell

Learn about Meterpreter shell. Resources ● ●  into-searchable-text-with-metasploit-watson/ Introduction After a successful exploit a Meterpreter shell allows you to perform many different functions along  with a full remote shell. Meterpreter is great for manipulating a system once you get a remote connection, so depending on  what your goals are; a Meterpreter shell is usually preferred to a straight remote terminal shell. Meterpreter gives us a set of commands and utilities that can be run to greatly aid in security  testing. For  example, there are commands to pull the password hashes and gather data & settings from the  system. There are also some fun tools included in Meterpreter, for example, you can turn on the user’s  webcam and grab still shots, you can turn on the remote microphone and even grab desktop  screenshots of what the user

Chapter 1 - Basic security testing with kali Linux Full tutorial ** updated version 2023


Chapter 2 - Installing kali with VMWare player

Part1 - Installing and basic overview of Kali Linux Resources ● VMWare - ● Kali Install Directions - ● Kali Downloads - ● Kali Repositories - ● Metasploitable 2 - ● Microsoft Evaluation Software - Introduction In this section we will setup Kali Linux, Windows 7 and Metasploitable 2 as Virtual Machines (VMs) using VMWare Player on a host computer. Setting up our testing lab using virtual machines makes it very easy to learn offensive computer security testing using Kali.  Virtual machines make it possible to run several operating systems on a single computer. That way we do not need a room full of computers to set up a testing and learning environment.  We only need one machine powerful enough to run several